The walking dead 185 cbr
The walking dead 185 cbr

the walking dead 185 cbr

And it's not as though writer Robert Kirkman paints either Rick or Dwight's viewpoint as the "right" one. Above all, this seems to be a story about what happens when two groups ostensibly on the same side can't put aside their differences to confront an obvious threat right in front of them. There's a lot to like with this uneasy status quo, not least of which being the obvious real-world parallels. There's has always been a fragile alliance, and the conflict over how best to deal with the Commonwealth may finally be what destroys it.

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And that conflict is embodied in the growing rift between Rick and Dwight.


They also highlight the notion that the second hundred issues of the series have been less about surviving the zombie apocalypse and more about exploring whether it's possible to rebuild from the ashes. Is open war between the two inevitable, or is peace possible? Is Alexandria's egalitarian society a viable model for all, or merely a naive dream waiting to be brought down? These questions are fascinating. But the lows, such as the staggering social and economic inequality, stand in direct opposition to everything Rick and his friends have spent years working to build. The highs are high, with the settlement offering luxuries undreamed of anywhere else in the post-post-apocalyptic world. Rick and friends have seen plenty of life in the Commonwealth.

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The framework of this issue is compelling enough. There's clearly an interesting destination at the end of the current road, but the series never seems willing to go all the way and take that next big step. That seems like as apt a metaphor for The Walking Dead as anything else. If you're perpetually halving the distance, you can never actually reach your destination. One of those is known as the Dichotomy paradox, which envisions movement as an infinite series of actions that halve the distance between two points. There was a Greek philosopher named Zeno of Elea who became famous for concocting nine paradoxes.

The walking dead 185 cbr